Henrykow, red loop. DOT154

50 km

Route details

Short characteristics
A beautiful loop across a hilly area of the Strzelin Hills, Ziebicka Wysoczyzna and Szklarskie Hills. The elevation gain here is small – within 5% – but there are practically no flat sections.
A significant part leads on dirt roads where we go mainly among fields, with extensive views and on a rainy day some sections may be muddy. There are also two longer, beautiful forest sections. Description clockwise.

Henrykow – Ziebice
We start with an asphalt uphill road leading to a forested part of the Strzelin hills, then by a forest path across deciduous forest. Once you have passed it, there is a long downhill section to Ziebice on asphalt roads and field paths. We pass Ziebice crossing a bridge on the Olawa River. If you have time, it is worth looking at a very interesting market square and old town.

Ziebice – Piotrowice Polskie
We continue along very pleasant field and hilly paths.

Piotrowice Polskie – Henrykow
Here we head east and a spectacular forest section stretches up to Muskowice. It is worth knowing that this is a very well -known archaeological area. To the north and south of our route there are 5,500 years old (!) Neolithic burial mounds. They are much older than the oldest Egyptian pyramids. Relatively recently, medieval tombs were also discovered there causing a real sensation. There are probably several dozen archaeological sites in the area. Looking from the surface perspective they may not look too eye-catching: only large hills.
Therefore, it is worth seeing photos from excavations: http://dookolahanki.blogspot.com/2017/06/Grobowce-starsze-niz-piramidy-niedaleko.html. In Muskowice we enter the fields and finish the loop a moment later.

Abbey in Henrykow
It is an impressive Cistercian monastery known, among others, from the Henrykow Book – containing the first written sentence in Polish. For two years we have been able to admire the replica of this work. The whole complex is systematically renewed and makes a great impression. You can visit it all: from its underground to attics.

More features:
Type route:
family, landscape, nature, loops, with tourist attractions, with rail access
dirt, asphalt
Bike type:
needs attention

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