Bukowiec Loop. DOT276

25.1 km

Route details

A truly obligatory route, leading through the Karpnickie Hills, with particular emphasis on the attractions of the local Landscape Park in Bukowiec. The program includes the wonderful observation tower of Kesselburg Castle, the intimate Kamienisty pond, a tour of the beautiful Bathing House, a driveway to the Tea House and other attractions. And also the circumference of Długi Pond and the von Reden family palace. Return along the charming and slightly more difficult path along Jedlica. Then through Mysłakowice, through the palace park, which is jaw-dropping. The loop is dominated by gravel and dirt roads. The slopes are average, the surface condition is usually good. The total length and the number of attractions along the way make us dedicate it as a full-day trip for everyone. The length is almost 25 km, with a total elevation gain of 350 m.

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